A Crystal Ball for Evolution

Explore Eevolution is happening all the time, all around us. It can reshape entire populations of a species in a wink of time—just a couple of generations. Take Darwin's finches,…

The Last Hominin Standing – Nautilus

Explore A surprising discovery about human evolution began with a research study about, surprisingly, birds. Five years ago, evolutionary biology Laura van Holstein at the University of Cambridge read a…

The Mystery of the Cave Cats

Explore Last year, cavers rappelled into Natural Bridges Caverns in Texas—a popular commercial tourist cave that reaches 230 feet into the ground—and picked up two small cat skeletons that were…

Invasive Species Found

Explore The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world, flowing nearly 4,000 miles from the western interior of China to the coast in Shanghai, and the…