We Are Light-Eaters – Nautilus
Explore At the park near my home in Georgia grows a towering oak tree I often visit at the end of the day, when I feel weary. When I reach…
Explore At the park near my home in Georgia grows a towering oak tree I often visit at the end of the day, when I feel weary. When I reach…
Explore Evolution has led humans into a dark corner, according to a new study. study. We bonded into groups to solve local problems. Sometimes we share our solutions with neighboring…
Explore When Samuel T. Wilkinson arrived at John Hopkins Medical School, in the late aughts, it was a bit of a culture shock. As a devout Mormon who had spent…
Explore Biologists have often wondered what would happen if they could rewind the tape of life's history and let evolution play out all over again. Would lineages of organisms evolve…
Explore Eevolution is happening all the time, all around us. It can reshape entire populations of a species in a wink of time—just a couple of generations. Take Darwin's finches,…
Explore Biological anthropologist April Nowell had been studying the skeletons of Ice Age children for two decades when she began to see her own kids in a new light. They…
Explore A surprising discovery about human evolution began with a research study about, surprisingly, birds. Five years ago, evolutionary biology Laura van Holstein at the University of Cambridge read a…
Explore Last year, cavers rappelled into Natural Bridges Caverns in Texas—a popular commercial tourist cave that reaches 230 feet into the ground—and picked up two small cat skeletons that were…
Explore Philosopher of science Peter Godfrey-Smith has spent decades considering the mental life of animals. His ongoing work on octopus cognition has helped to frame the discussion about how we…