Plants Fight for Their Lives
Explore It's 2050. The world population has increased by 2.3 billion to 9.9 billion. Demand for food has risen 70 to 100 percent but a warming planet, extreme weather, and…
The Race to Protect Sweet Corn
Explore We may not always call it sweet corn, but we enjoy this American staple nearly daily. It's sweet corn that we grill on the Fourth of July, charring the…
Life's First Peptides May Have Grown on RNA Strands
Explore The idea that life's deepest, oldest roots were laid down by RNA molecules that evolved ever more complexity has dominated the origins-of-life field for the past few decades, reigning…
Embryo Cells Set Patterns for Growth by Pushing and Pulling
Explore One of the longest-standing questions in biology is how a living thing that starts as an embryonic blob of uniform cells morphs over time into an organism with diverse…
A Universal Cancer Treatment? – Nautilus
Explore Himanshu Brahmbhatt was staring at the results of a clinical trial that looked too good to be true. A co-founder and CEO of EnGeneICa biopharmaceutical company, Brahmbhatt was running…
Cells Are the Master Builders of Life
Explore One person has done more than any other to put the notion of the gene at the center of our understanding of life on Earth and our being: Richard…
Geneticist Paul Nurse talks to Herlinde Koelbl on his Nobel Prize-winning discovery, failure and a surprise about his heredity.
Explore Paul Nurse is a geneticist whose own heredity was entirely hidden from him until fairly recently, when he was forced to take a closer look at his birth certificate.…
We Are Light-Eaters – Nautilus
Explore At the park near my home in Georgia grows a towering oak tree I often visit at the end of the day, when I feel weary. When I reach…
Evolution Led Humans into a Trap
Explore Evolution has led humans into a dark corner, according to a new study. study. We bonded into groups to solve local problems. Sometimes we share our solutions with neighboring…
In His New Book “Purpose,” Yale Psychiatrist Samuel T Wilkinson Fails to Persuade that Evolution Offers Evidence of God Argues Ed Simon
Explore When Samuel T. Wilkinson arrived at John Hopkins Medical School, in the late aughts, it was a bit of a culture shock. As a devout Mormon who had spent…